Bark: The outer layer of wood on a tree. go back
Burls: An outgrowth at the base of the trunk of a giant sequoia. They grow where the tree has been injured or because of a disease. go back
Chlorophyll: The green color in a plant's leaves or stem that turns energy from sunlight into food for the plant. go back
Cones: The part of the tree where the seeds or pollen is made. Giant sequoia cones are about the size of a chicken egg. go back
Deciduous: Plants that drop their leaves during some part of the year. go back
Fire Resistant: Resists being burned. Giant sequoia trees do not burn easily in a forest fire, but with enough heat, the bark will burn. Sequoias are adapted to forest fires, and have evolved to depend on it. go back
Germinate: To start growing, as in a seed. go back
Leaves: The part of a plant that captures sunlight. (See 'chlorophyll' above.) go back
Parasitic: Living on another plant or animal. Parasitic plants get most of their nutrition from the plant on which they are growing. go back
Roots: The part of the plant that grows underground, and that collects water and nutrients for the plant. go back
Trunk: The main stem of a tree. go back